Complementary Site Assessment

Take Control of Your Operations: Transform Your Current Pains into Strategic Growth

Join our waiting list for a complimentary site visit assessment and be first in line to unlock the full potential of your business.

Get Started Today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your operations. Sign up now for our complimentary site assessment and take the first step towards unlocking your business’s full potential.

Optimise Your Process: Transform Struggles into Strategic Success

Unlock the full potential of your business with Henkan’s complimentary site assessment. Join our waiting list and be first in line to gain valuable insights into your operations.

Who is this for?

Our complimentary site assessment is designed for forward-thinking businesses that are ready to take their operations to the next level. Whether you’re a blue-chip corporation, a manufacturing giant, or an ambitious organisation seeking operational excellence, this service is tailored for you.


Provide Clarity

During times of crisis or significant change, such as mergers, acquisitions, or market disruptions, assessments can provide clarity and guidance for navigating challenges effectively.


Measure Progress

During significant transformation initiatives, such as digital transformation or organisational restructuring, assessments are crucial for measuring progress and ensuring that objectives are being met.

Signup Today

*Free site visit, No commitment necessary.

The Path from Submission to Results

Embarking on the journey towards operational excellence with Henkan is straightforward and rewarding. Here’s how we transform your submission into tangible results:

Assessment Planning

The assessment team reviews the request, gathers necessary information, and plans the assessment process.


Necessary arrangements are made, including scheduling, logistics, and gathering assessment tools and resources.

Site Visit Arrangements

If an on-site visit is necessary, coordination and arrangements tailored to your needs will be arranged.

On-Site Assessment

The assessment team conducts the assessment at the organisation's site, gathering data, interviewing stakeholders, and observing processes.

Report Preparation

A comprehensive report summarising the assessment findings, recommendations, and proposed action plan is prepared by the assessment team.

Presentation of Findings

The assessment team presents the assessment findings to the organisational leadership and relevant stakeholders.

Why us?

For nearly two decades, we’ve consistently provided value to some of the world’s largest organisations, ensuring guaranteed results

Offices Worldwide
Global Associates
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Global Locations
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Operating since
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The Henkan Team have made a significant contribution to the progressive success of the Heineken TPM programme over the last 3 years. As a valued partner for change, they have supported us through the transfer of their knowledge and engaging approach.

Christopher Kerr

Global TPM Director

We hired Henkan to support our organisation through our Lean journey. Our factory has recently been confirmed as the most advanced Lean site amongst all the Philips Factories implementing Lean.

Christopher Kerr

Global TPM Director

Join the waiting list and Start Making a Difference Today!

Big changes often begin with small decisions. Take the first step and be the catalyst for positive change within your organisation.